About us

Dedicated to the world of abrasives

We want to show you our passion. Why are we fascinated by abrasives? What do we find captivating and enthralling? Why do we, Danpoort International Abrasives, feel justified in claiming that we are unique in our dedication to sanding, grinding and polishing materials and the different applications for which these materials are used? We reveal the answers on this website about our company and our products. We want to tell you the story of our passion, our employees and our organisation. We also want to tell you about our tailor-made products, innovations, service & quality, and our solid dependability as a partner. Welcome to Danpoort International Abrasives. We are dedicated to the world of abrasives.
Robert & Vincent Zehenpfenning

Our partners

Who we love to work with

Our values

Top Quality
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Top Quality
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